
How to Catch a Date with a Doctor~

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Sakimichi-Sama's avatar

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How to Catch a Date with a Doctor~
(Tips from the Love Doctor himself!)

Interviewer: Say, Doctor Francis, I hear a lot of buzz going around about you being the Doctor of Love.

Docteur François: Of course! France is ze country of romance, vith 'undreds of acres of beautiful vineyards and scenery.

I: Rumor has it you're going out with several patients!

F: Indeed, I am a man of many people. I vant to share my love vith everyone.

I: Since you are a doctor here in Neinescape Hospital, do you have any tips for the patients that wish to catch a date or two with any of the doctors here in the hospital?

F: Ah, oui! I am very close friends vith all ze doctors 'ere and I can tell you one zhing for sure.

I: And that is?

F: Ze patient must be strong both physically and mentally. After all, this 'ospital is more of an… *ahem*asylum*ahem* than a 'opsital.

I: I see where you're coming from *laughs* What else should a patient look out for?

F: Doctors 'ere rarely get sleep, so I vould advise you please knock first before entering an office because ven I say doctors don't like getting voken up, I mean it.

I: Keep that in mind, readers!

F: Also, if you really vant to make a good impression, make sure you alvays 'ave ze coffee brewing in ze lounge or ze food and coffee stations in ze 'alls.

I: Of course, some patients can't do that, though.

F: Oh, non, I vould not ask a patient to risk zeir 'ealth just for a cup of 'ot coffee. If you can't make coffee or prepare any late night snacks, I vould suggest zat everyone be very sincere to ze doctors. Ve are doing all zat ve can to take care of you all and ve care for every single one of you. Ve do appreciate a few "thank you"s every now and zen. *chuckles*

I: Anything you would suggest a patient wear?

F: It 'onestly depends on vhich doctor you're aiming for, but for most of ze doctors, I vould say zat it doesn't matter. Something decent or casual is completely fine. At least try to look neat. Ve doctors like vhen ve don't 'ave to clean up after patients or ven our patients look like complete messes. I mean some people can't 'elp it… Maybe a clean personality vould be a better vay to put it.

I: What about when asking for things?

F: Vell I can tell you want an answer for asking for dates in particular. It vould be nice if ze patient could ask first, but if the doctor feels the need to ask, of course it vill come naturally. But ze patient asking vould be very convenient because sometimes ze doctors are a little shy. Just give zem a little nudge, hn?

I: That seems very legit. A great thing to keep in mind if you really are looking for that right guy. Thank you so much, Doctor Francis!

F: Non, ze pleasure is mine. May I ask one zhing?

I: Yes?

F: Vhat is your phone number?

I: …!
My entry for the Neinescape Magazine Project!!
Being the love doctor for the forums, I really couldn't help myself 'orz
Hope you enjoy reading it!
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Birdy-D-Noodle's avatar
I'll keep this in mynd~ *nya?XD*